Monday 23 March 2015

87.9 - another 1.8 kilos gone!

Wow, I've completely skipped over one of my numbers when reporting on here! I was very excited to be in the 88 kilo range, then this morning when I weighed in I found myself at 87.9 kilos! I got on the scales 4 more times to make sure, they can fluctuate a little bit but no, they said that 4 times out of 5!

It seems that whatever blockage I had last week was cleared after my seizure. I had only lost 0.5 kgs and couldn't understand why, except for the one slip up night I just wasn't losing weight. This week I've lost 1.8 kilos.  I've eaten all the right things again, except for one night that we had nothing in the house. It was Friday night and Paul had to take the kids to school, then work (on the other side of the city) then pick them up, go back to a closer workplace then be a wonderful dad and take my son and his friends to rollerskating. We had no food left in the house so he got McDonalds. From the too close one. That has protestors out the front. I said I may as well have a grilled chicken wrap, it's a good choice from a bad shop. He came home and left it all for the girls and I and took Bill skating. It tasted like cardboard, the most bland thing that looked so good. When he got home with a giant kebab from the place we've been driving past for years and have heard so many good reviews about I told him how bland it was. All I could smell was the delicious garlic on his one. I said I was worried that maybe my taste buds were going too. He said no, he told them to hold the aoli sauce. Lovely of him to think of me in that way, his heart was certainly in the right place. But I do like to taste my food! He didn't know how crap it would be though! Anyway, last night I went back to a stage 1 meal (stage 2 is the stir frys and wraps) and had steamed chicken and veggies with balsamic vinegar. And lost 0.6 last night alone. So yay for me!

I have my MRI today. Not looking forward to it. Just the thought of it makes me itchy, I always want to scratch in those keep still situations. I am also booked in for an echo cardiogram. Seizure Clinic isn't until May 8th! Still have to book in for my halter monitor and Doppler thingy. I'm still feeling dizzy most of the time so not venturing outside my door. Which is quite nice in a way. I will miss the social side of my life, but it means that I can concentrate on the balance of the semester of study that I am doing. I have been tempted to defer again but I've only 7 weeks to go and the whole diploma is done. The bachelor can be done part time if need be. Especially as I already deferred last year when my dad passed away.

So here's the photos, this week and last. Not as obvious as I thought they'd be, I've felt much thinner and wobblier this week but again, I'll reserve my judgement until I see the photos side by side! Ooh I do think I look more sticky out in my side one. But never mind, the scales tell me otherwise so it'll settle at some point!

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