Thursday 22 October 2015

77.9 kilos ! 1 kilo down

Well I didn't think it was going to shift this week. I weighed in earlier in the week and there was still nothing lost. As I had been extra specially good this week I resigned myself to the fact that maybe I am one of these people who, when starting to exercise, stops losing weight to start with. And I was ok with that as I am so close to my goal weight. Then, miracle, a kilo is gone! It's starting to shift again.

I've been religiously good with my exercise. I have sleep issues so yesterday I just couldn't get up early after waking at 2am and not dropping back to sleep of course until my alarm was due to go off. After going an having a scan done though I decided that yes, I could go after all. So every second day I've gone, and, as a nice little bonus, each night my oldest and I have been taking the dogs for a walk. Loving this warmer weather!

I don't think the photos are that much different but I added my first photos as the request of my faithful friend and supporter Eloise. She wanted me to remind her of how I started out. Not that she ever said I looked too big, she loved me the way I was, but she's very happy for me that I feel so good and is proud of me for achieving it. And let's face it, so am I.

I feel like I'm nearly at the end of my weigh loss journey. I hope to God that it really is the last time that I feel the need to embark on such a huge feat. I like to think that I have learnt what not to do to stop it from happening again. I know a big thing is owning it, slipping off and getting back on again, even if it's a couple of months down the track. Get back on before you stuff it up (your good work and your self esteem) completely. We are our own worst enemies. I have 2.9 kilos to go until I reach my goal. I want to be 75 kilos. I've said before, I've gotten down to 68 kilos before as a mother of 3 (much less in my younger years) and it was ridiculously unrealistic for me to stay there. Much as I'd love to be a size 12, I'm just not prepared to constantly starve myself to stay there, nor let it all consume my life. I'm happy to be a healthy size 14 and enjoy my social life and my pizzas but in moderation. Everything in moderation.

So, this week the first is from today, the second is from last week, and the third, clearly, is from the beginning. I have a lovely temporary tattoo thanks to my very talented art teacher and I must say I'm loving it! See you next week!


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