Sunday 4 October 2015


Thought I'd do a midweek post as I'm exhausted and I think I deserve a little pat on the back!

I went for my gym assessment this morning. My day didn't start off the best, going out the back door to let the dogs out I didn't realise that the screen sliding door was shut too and I ran into it. Luckily the wire mesh imprint on my forehead had gone before my assessment! It was meant to be with the exercise physiologist but instead it was with a 'normal' person to assess me. He said that to sign off on a proper program I should wait for the other guy but that I could start to do things this morning that I used to do if I wanted. Which didn't really make much sense but as I felt confident in what I could do and couldn't do I opted to start. I surprised myself as to start with when he said that we should wait to devise a program until I'd spoken to Ben the old me had a rush of excitement at going home and not starting until next week! Then I said that I had started to pay last week and didn't want to waste my money so how about we start now! I know right, I surprised even myself!

I did a shortened version of the suggestions offered but I'm still happy with what I did. I particularly like the weights. Hell let's be honest, they're the only things I like. And even then, like it a strong word. I know it will get better but the reality is that I don't like exercising. Never have. But, as I said the other day, for the first time in my life I will be the correct weight, be at a good fitness level and be a non drinker and smoker. For the first time ever! I'm a bloody legend! So here's what I did :

I did 5 minutes on the cross trainer. I included the minute that I did it in front of the trainer. I hate the cross trainer. Then I did the weights machines, 1 round of the 5 machines at 10 reps each. 6 kilo weights. Then I did 5 minutes on the bike. Then another round of weights. Then 5 minutes on the rowing machine. Then another round of weights. Then 5 minutes on the treadmill. And that's it. And that's enough. Here's a photo of me halfway through hiding in the toilets for a break and checking my phone.
As I said, I do like the weights the most. I actually like the idea of body building but I don't like the really muscular look, I don't know if you can do it more for toning up and shaping yourself. I might even look into that. I hate cardio, I hate being out of breath and I am a big sweater, especially as I'm going through menopause, I break out in a sweat bending over for goodness sakes! I was pretty happy with my effort. I will do better as I go along. As I did the exercise bike race thingy I put in my contact details so it could record it and it said it was September 2013 when I last did it. So just over 2 years since I've done any exercise at all really. I'm absolutely stuffed and I know I wont be able to move tomorrow but I also know that it will get better and that the first time is the worst time. Yay me!
Here I am after walking home and sitting down at the computer! Sweaty much?!

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